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Resazurin Cell Viability Assay offers a simple, rapid, reliable, sensitive, safe and cost-effective measurement of cell viability. This kit performs at least as well as other commercial resazurin-based cell proliferation assay kits such as alamarBlue® or CellTiter-Blue®. Resazurin detects cell viability by converting from a nonfluorescent dye to the highly red fluorescent dye resorufin in response to chemical reduction of growth medium resulting from cell growth (1-3). Continued cell growth maintains a reduced environment while inhibition of growth maintains an oxidized environment. Reduction related to growth causes the redox indicator to change from oxidized (nonfluorescent, blue) form to reduced (fluorescent, red) form. The fluorescent signal is monitored using 530-560 nm excitation wavelength and 590 nm emission wavelength. The absorbance is monitored at 570 nm and 600 nm. The fluorescent or colorimetric signal generated from the assay is proportional to the number of living cells in the sample. Resazurin solution is supplied ready-to-use in 25 mL (2500 assay) or 100 mL (10,000 assay) sizes.


  • Sensitive: Requiring as few as 80 cells for reproducible results
  • Simple: Single-step homogenous assay
  • Kinetic Monitoring: Reagents nontoxic to cells, thus allowing kinetic monitoring.

alamarBlue is a registered trademark of Trek Biosystems. CellTiter-Blue is a registered trademark of Promega Corporation.


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2. Kanagaraj, R., et al. RECQ helicase associates with the C-terminal repeat domain of RNA polymerase II during productive elongation phase of transcription. Nucleic Acids Research doi:10.1093/nar/gkq697 (2010).

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8. Palomino, J., et al. Resazurin Microtiter Assay Plate: Simple and Inexpensive Method for Detection of Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy DOI: 10.1128/AAC.46.8.2720